Net docx converter is a small but powerful and easy to use application designed to help users of Word 2007 docx and OpenOffice Swiss Stock Exchange and the amr converter RTF format, no common MS Office 2007 or OpenOffice help. OpenOffice files will be converted to the format, but no images.
The great news is that you can now run the command line Docx2Rtf and be 1 between the command line switch should be (space - 1 or - f) and the folder of the user or wish to convert. Command line will cause Docx2Rtf automatically converted to the specified file "C: My Documents convert.docx" to "C: My Documents to convert.rtf".
You even can use the following command in the conversion once the entire folder: Docx2Rtf - F "class C: I want to convert a folder." The previous command line will be all docx files into RTF in the specified folder.
If you wish to convert into other file types as RTF, you will need to add the file extension like this command line: Docx2Rtf - F "class C: I want to convert the folder" of the ODT. The above command line conversion of all ODT files will be found in the specified folder as the RTF.