BBK Electronics introduced a compact line of high definition media player (1080). Study: HD media player MP050S, MP060S and MP070S the first model, has been running in production.
All three new projects MP050S, MP060S and MP070S reproduce high-definition television quality content (up to 1080). Players to support common Internet files and codecs including popular videokonteynery format: MKV's (the Matroska), transmission (H.264 standard), WMV and others. As high-definition media content media player with USB output (flash drives, external hard drives, etc.), or the type of memory card support SD / MMC / MS analysis of the external device. Connect the player's high-definition multimedia interface LCD TV HDMI 1.3 version. mkv to avi
MP050S - with the characteristics of the most simple setup mode. It has a compact and convenient. In MP060S a better and exchange functions. In the media player LAN (Ethernet) interface and built-in download Arsenal manager to download files from the network, and a mini USB connection to PC port. MP060S support, but not limited to external SATA drives. In addition, this model high-definition media player has a modern design and the possibility of horizontal and vertical position. A high definition media player MP070S striking feature is the internal SATA hard drive installed in the car 3.5 inches existence. Also included in the model one, two USB ports. MP050S, MP060S and MP070S continue to be sold in early 2010 autumn.