
Recommendations for the creep, with video, audio ring box

We are eager to propose that we share the characteristics of the weird (and even weddings) in the past few years, but they usually focus on a unique, weird questions asked askee big problem. Not much attention was paid to most of the recommendations of physical factors: the ring itself.

Fortunately, we found that Yiweikela multimedia ring box. Its size and your ring shape under normal conditions, but its storage, a 2-inch full-color LCD display 128MB of, and a small speaker. When opened, the box shows a short video or photos on the screen, complete the audio playback.

A suitor can select the box will display, and even software (we guess that can only run on Windows PC) convert any video of a fight to the appropriate 3GP format, which is then loaded via USB 3gp video converter.

The battery is rated for 3 hours of playback is through the USB port fees. Of course, if your potential other half did not say in three hours, you may want to rethink your plan.

Multimedia ring box available £ 80.71, out of about 125 U.S. dollars (about 120 dollars too much for a engagement ring box) in the UK. I mean, I will pay more than 120 part. But, then, may be this week's list of reasons why he is not married 331.


