
Wondershare PPT2Video free and professional version

PowerPoint is a popular office application data presentation. PowerPoint is more in the business sector in the financial data shows popular. For more convenience, users may want to convert to PPT format, as on the website easily share a video presentation or by e-mail sent to the customer's PowerPoint presentation in order to Wondershare PPT2Video - mail attachments introduced to help them file format conversion and more users mkv converter. The PPT2Video is a powerful video format converter converts the PowerPoint file. If it can convert WMV, MKV's, MOV and ASF video files of multiple video formats. It can accurately convert PowerPoint file digital signature and high-quality sound effects for video files. Capable PPT2Video function key to convert PowerPoint exact internal links, to address the choice of different screen sizes PAL and NTSC TV mode support equipment, the conversion to the video presentation.

Wondershare PPT2Video Features
Convert guiding steps to facilitate
Maintain accurate PowerPoint, animation, transitions, sound tracks, video clips and internal hyperlinks, PAL and NTSC standard TV mode support
Conversion as on the WMV, MKV's, MOV and ASF video format
Enable the conversion of the PPT, PPS, pptx and pptm of
With the frame rate settings, and high-quality sound effects
With animation, or aspect ratio and resolution settings
Wondershare PPT2Video two existing versions of the free and professional. Professional Edition is able to convert into a single time up to the 12 presentations, which convert free version is only a demo. In addition, developers can enable users to get a free version of Wondershare PPT2Video.

Program has a free version of Wondershare PPT2Video copy:
Click here to visit the promotion page.
Fill with your name and e-mail address online form and then "click Get key code" button
You will receive a registration code e-mail from Wondershare
Then you need to download Wondershare PPT2Video appointees.
Then go to install the registration code and enjoy Wondershare PPT2Video authorized version of the free version.


